1. How do I become a part of your church?
Welcome! Simply call our parish office 208-664-9259, fill out a parish registration form in the back of the church, or click here to register online. We are excited to meet you!
2. Can I receive Holy Communion?
The celebration and reception of the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. We want you to receive the Sacraments as much as possible within the precepts of the faith. Click here to see if you should receive Holy Communion or call the parish office to speak with our priest.
3. I'm interested in becoming Catholic, where do I start?
Thank you for your faith! Adult formation in the Catholic faith is usually a process of learning, praying, discerning and a commitment of time via RCIA Classes. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call the Parish Office 208-664-9259. For more details about OCIA click here!